A standard one-way messaging exchange where the consumer sends a message to the provider that provides only a status response.
Instead of having to write, copy an address and find a stamp, disaffected consumers can send their grievances by clicking a mouse.
Mr. Silber said the unit would not schedule a case for hearing unless the consumer had sent the "last chance" letter to the manufacturer.
The consumer sent a polite note to the customer service e-mail address.
You can find a sample letter that consumers may send to businesses, along with the relevant law, on this website.
Each year, consumers in the United States send tens of billions of dollars to family members, friends, businesses, and others abroad.
One such site, called uGetHeard.com, allows consumers to send both gripes and praise.
They have been willing creditors because American consumers send much of the money right back by purchasing foreign-made products.
For instance, a consumer must send a text note asking for information or click on a banner ad for the full pitch.
If suppliers do not reduce prices, consumers can send them a clear message by voting with their feet and taking their business elsewhere.