But for all this, consumers have not yet shown any sign that they are ready to put the wallet away.
Whether consumers will show enthusiasm for fake fat, though, remains an open question.
Regular consumers of caffeine, on the other hand, showed only positive effects when it came to memory tasks.
Business people, however, have reported that consumers are showing more confidence.
Most retailers report slow sales for February, with consumers apparently not showing much interest in spring clothing.
American consumers have shown little interest in the provenance of the stones, industry experts and shop owners said.
Analysts say there is no evidence, however, that consumers show any interest in choosing Internet services because of their software or features.
But when it comes to spending that money, consumers have been showing restraint.
So far, the task hasn't been too difficult, in part because consumers haven't shown much unbundling fervor.
As recent data have shown, consumers are not buying and are showing little enthusiasm to do so in the future.