With gold-stamped covers, it takes a moment to get the full picture, and consumers couldn't wait.
For now, most fuel-oil suppliers and consumers are waiting to see whether there will be higher prices.
They believed Chinese consumers were just waiting to be sold commodoties by international companies.
The consumer must wait for the producer to produce something if the queue is empty.
When you have a situation where there is excess capacity, it pays consumers to wait.
Besides a device that is easy to use, consumers are still waiting for compelling applications on the Internet, and "it's not there yet," he said.
However, the coverage is quite expensive, especially when consumers wait until retirement age to purchase it.
The retail group estimated that some 12 million consumers waited until the last week to start their Christmas shopping.
When might the Commission be expected to reach that decision on this issue which European consumers are really waiting for?
Information is useful, but consumers are not waiting for a reminder during a television programme.