Rikyu, whose name is known to all Japanese schoolchildren as the founder of the Japanese tea ceremony, was the consummate artist.
Huygens' style was bright and vivacious and he was a consummate artist in metrical form.
Friends spoke of a consummate artist who felt most at home when he was on stage.
In a manner of speaking, the two consummate artists make a negative contribution to the film because other than Gul, most players look wanting in comparison.
Author Lewis describes Reid as a "consummate artist of the black & white image."
His daughter Shannon Lee said "He did write poetry, he was really the consummate artist".
They catapulted him as a consummate multi-talented artist.
Even Mr. Gibson, consummate artist though he is, could not save this piece from its static excesses.
She was a consummate artist and had a great influence on her students.
Elizabeth Murray, with her rigor and passion for her work, is the consummate artist.