This remarkable speech of the consummate diplomat seems to have moved the youthful Sri Harsha.
He has an unblemished record as the consummate diplomat and as a highly effective policy maker as well.
She could be a consummate diplomat when the situation called for it.
Ever the consummate diplomat, Sarek said nothing.
He was also a consummate diplomat whose skills proved vital in sustaining relations between the notoriously difficult Montgomery and his peers and superiors.
You were the consummate diplomat in every detail.
He is the consummate diplomat.
In-house, Mr. Smith's temper might be shorter than a speed-dial, but outside he is the consummate diplomat.
Indeed," Drizzt, the consummate diplomat, agreed once more, "but remember that she is not marrying a dwarf.
Thinta-ah had apparently been either the consummate diplomat or completely undecided.