The public disclosure of their relationship did not initially lead to contact between father and daughter.
The goal of treatment is to reverse, and prevent, contact between iris and trabecular meshwork.
Dulling usually occurs due to contact between the blade and a harder substance such as a ceramic, stone, or a tougher metal.
This is equivalent to contact between a sphere of radius and a plane (see above).
Wetness (whatever that might mean) is also related to contact between the wet object and the skin.
It's made mostly from zinfandel grapes, which are red but are crushed so as to avoid most contact between the skins and the juice.
They might be alert to contact between any of us and Seqiro.
However, I regarded it as being a condition that the area of application should be broad if there is already contact between interested parties and companies.
"The question that has plagued each side is whether the other side can deliver," the official said, likening the talks to contact between porcupines.
One so distant from ours that there was only once contact between them and humans.