Grassroots lobbying is an approach that separates itself from direct lobbying through the act of asking the public to contact legislators and government officials concerning the issue at hand, as opposed to conveying the message to the legislators directly.
If you would like to contact us concerning our privacy policy or our use of information collected through this website, please contact us here.
U.S. citizen visitors are encouraged to contact the Embassy's Consular Section for the most recent safety and security information concerning travel in the city of Algiers.
Star Fleet Command contacted me concerning Miss Dupree.
On 19 May 2010 the Finnish Environment Institute decided to contact the previous owner and Pakistani officials concerning the scrapping of the ship, and deliver the latter information about the hazardous materials inside the vessel.
He wasn't seen again until 2007 when Molly Compton contacted him concerning Vera's poor health.
The project would welcome researchers in post-war British history contacting them concerning any papers they themselves may have discovered.
The letter to Mr. Murdoch was forwarded to The Post's executive editor, Colin Myler, who told Mr. Burkle that The Post would contact him concerning any future Page Six items.
You may contact them concerning potential business opportunities or any questions you may have about their programs via their Web sites or by telephone.
IAF Emerging Space Leaders Grant Programme Candidates are encouraged to contact the Space Generation Advisory Committee concerning their plans for their event prior to the IAC in Naples and associated sponsorship opportunities.