The group plans to send out messages about environmental bills in Congress with links for its members to contact their representatives.
If citizens contact the White House or their elected representatives and demand action, our leaders will be happy to follow.
Anyone who intends to use these materials commercially should contact the individuals depicted or their representatives.
Due to high volumes of people contacting their representatives through the House network there have been some disruptions in service recently.
Express your thoughts, ideas or concerns and encourage them to get involved and contact their representatives in Congress.
Imagine the possibilities if everyone in Idaho were able to get just a couple of people from other states to contact their representatives.
"They contacted my representatives, but I'm under contract," Long said.
She regularly urges listeners to contact their representatives over various issues.
Constituents contacted their representatives to express support, and in turn, Congress passed the plan in just over a week.
I would encourage everyone here to contact your representatives in Washington and make your feelings known.