It contained two new shirts, a pair of pants and a package of underwear and socks.
He didn't know why Keikano hurried away until the youth returned with a small polished wooden tray containing a cloth-wrapped package.
Yet cheese, like milk and yogurt, contains a package of essential nutrients, including protein, calcium, potassium, and more.
To his amazement, it contains a package of X-rays.
She spotted a likely target almost immediately - a cart containing a package of pita bread, imported chocolate cookies and frozen okra.
The Council's alternative budget plan, which contains a more modest tax-cut package than the mayor's, predicts shortfalls of about $500 million to $1.4 billion.
But click on them and they contain a hidden 'package'.
It contained a small optical telescope and a package of ultraviolet telescopes.
On arrival, each speaker was given a pink or blue gift bag containing a conference schedule, a package of facial tissues and cough drops.
But it did contain a special package.