"We determined that a significant number of people would be reluctant to take an antacid containing aluminum or magnesium."
Extremely inexpensive coating is likely to contain little aluminum.
Many over-the-counter antacids do not contain aluminum and are a good source of calcium.
This is especially critical since many composites contain aluminum and/or tin.
Using an antacid that contains only aluminum along with this product can help control diarrhea.
This product may contain aluminum, which can infrequently build up to dangerous levels in the body.
Do not take antacids that contain aluminum for 1 to 2 full hours before or after taking a dose of isoniazid.
If an antacid is needed, one that contains aluminum or calcium may be a more appropriate choice.
Take this medication 1 hour apart from products that contain calcium, aluminum, or magnesium.
Cars often contain aluminum in the form of rims and engine blocks.