Unbeknownst to the Texians at the time, the buildings contained extra ammunition and supplies.
Clinton Administration officials said the shipments have contained ammunition and small arms.
Ready to get back, he is arrested after agreeing to look after the luggage (which turns out to contain ammunition) of another man.
He looked around him, saw more crates, boxes that maybe contained ammunition or other arms.
According to Japanese authorities, the water heater contained several pistols, a rifle, and ammunition.
It contained ammunition in three spare magazines, also a very light plastic armpit holster.
They were well armed with military packs containing extra ammunition and grenades.
The parcel contained ammunition for a rifle Lo had bought at a nearby gun shop.
Visitors driving across the border should ensure that their vehicles contain no firearms or ammunition.
On a number of the other seats, in place of passengers, sat heavy duffel bags containing arms and ammunition.