An interesting and provoking article - but it does contain some rather obvious flaws, bias and wild leaps of faith.
Tip-group normalization alone can be seen still to contain spatial bias within each tip sector.
I would edit Nick Robinson's blog to contain obvious bias in favour of the government, thus leading to the charge that the BBC were partial.
Others agreed, and some researchers, including Ian Ayres and John J. Donohue, claimed that the model contained significant coding errors and systemic bias.
Even if the above hardware bias reduction steps have been taken, the bit-stream should still be assumed to contain bias and correlation.
Tod's major works have been criticised as containing significant inaccuracies and bias, but he is highly regarded in some areas of India, particularly in communities whose ancestors he praised.
Thus, even though the studies are performed using scientific sampling methods, they may contain bias because of the difficulty in conducting epidemiological studies across broad-based population samples.
Conservatives have charged the film contains left-wing bias.
Green wrote that the volume mostly accords with modern writing and contains little bias regarding Haig.
However, this evidence only looks at the Earth (a single model planet), and contains anthropic bias, as the planet of study was not chosen randomly, but by the living organisms that already inhabit it (ourselves).