Some trees contain birds that will run around the level after they have been chopped down, yielding 1,000 points if touched by the player.
The Coerebidae used to contain other nectar-eating birds from the tropical Americas, but these have since been moved.
The stomachs of some examined specimens have also contained seagrass or birds (in one case an entire cormorant).
A walk through aviary containing birds from around the world:
This group contains such birds as storks, rails, and the seabirds, with the possible exception of the Charadriiformes.
Alcoves in the theatre contain stuffed birds, including Eberson's signature parrot.
Niall went next door and found a room with several large birdcages containing live birds, which had been provided for the spider's lunch.
In fact, Cunningham loved nature and just about every one of his pictures contained trees, birds or both.
The Megaluridae which contain birds which appear very similar to many cettiids are far more uniform by contrast.
Birds which are known carriers should not be introduced into new pens, especially not if those contain young birds.