It is unlikely that the inclusion of the bismuth was accidental, as was likely the case for most other early bronzes which contained bismuth, which makes this the earliest evidence of intentional addition of Bismuth to an alloy.
Modern "Bismuth Bronze" is technically neither an alloy nor a bronze, but a composite material containing brass and bismuth(though some bronzes are still used).
Pepto-Bismol, for instance, contains aspirin and bismuth, which pregnant women should avoid, and some antibiotics that are often prescribed for severe cases, including tetracycline, may also be harmful.
Pewter money is a rarer type of Gun money, manufactured out of Pewter, an alloy containing copper, antimony, bismuth and lead.
It contains bismuth and is used to treat eye infections and control swelling.
The ores are complex ores, they contain copper, gold, silver, bismuth, and other metals besides tungsten.
Do not take medicines containing bismuth (such as Pepto-Bismol) for 1 month before the test.
Take this medication 2 to 3 hours before or after taking any products containing aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, or bismuth subsalicylate.
As the soldered objects get smaller or contain little solder or little bismuth, the recovery gets progressively more difficult and less economic, although solder with a higher silver content will be more worthwhile recovering.