The operating system and its fundamental utility programs are too important to contain serious bugs.
But just in case their quarters contained bugs that Spock hadn't found, neither mentioned these suspicions to the other.
If food you have just bought contains bugs, throw it out or return it to the store.
Most systems contain bugs, or loopholes, which may be exploited by malware.
The program is currently still in beta, although the author says it is stable but may contain bugs.
Many of these maps contained bugs within the code which would cause a player's game to crash or to not start at all.
It contained many new features as well as fixing bugs and a couple security issues.
Complaints have been made that the retail version contains bugs such as a shortage of patients.
A few arcade games contain bugs which allow a person to play them during the attract mode without paying for a game.
This warns users that the product may contain bugs, and could be unfit for general use.