Display cases contain souvenir lamps, buttons, scarves, postcards and other items that were sold aboard the ships.
Two toolbars contain buttons which help users easily navigate through the system to search for data, analyze the results, and create presentation objects.
The focal point is an oval control panel containing large, easy-to-use buttons for the audio and climate-control systems.
A blouse contained buttons down its full back.
On October 6, 1955, Saint made the first drop, releasing a small kettle containing buttons and rock salt.
Instead of the default violet-colored bar at the top it will be a themed bar and message boards will contain different colored buttons.
The tray contained buttons, collar studs and various other bits and pieces.
All that shows in the different rooms is a small flush-mounted wall panel containing buttons for program selection and volume control.
The $49.99 PRM-1, containing only buttons for power, channel and volume, is a pen-shaped electronic wand.
The remote, on the top left, contains buttons with the various game options: save, load, save as, talk, and inventory.