Many dairy analogues contain casein, which is extracted dried milk proteins, making them unsuitable for vegans.
When following this strict elimination diet, all foods containing gluten and casein are removed from the child's daily food intake.
In particular, the theory targets foods that contain gluten and casein.
Children with autism, according to the theory, process peptides and proteins in foods containing gluten and casein differently than other people do.
Products that contain casein, calcium caseinate and whey should be avoided by people with allergies to milk.
However, check ingredients carefully as many 'dairy-free' spreads contain lactose, whey or casein.
Milk and cream contain casein, which coagulates, when mixed with weak acids such as lemon, tonic water, or traces of wine.
Milk contains casein, a substance that breaks down in the human stomach to produce casomorphin, an opioid peptide.
They were discovered again in the 1950s when the lime was removed using cottage cheese - effective for this purpose because it contains casein.
It requires that all foods containing gluten and casein be removed from the diet.