When the Bone Chamber, which is not decorated, was found it contained a number of human and animal bones, along with ash and charcoal.
Next the water is run through a tank containing activated charcoal to adsorb organic contaminants.
His body is enveloped in a double-layered synthetic-fiber suit containing gas-absorbing charcoal.
In 1959 the site was excavated and a central pit containing charcoal and cremated bone was found.
Depending on the amount, you may be successful in removing it by using a filter containing activated charcoal.
It had a gross composition of a thoroughly burned bed of white ash containing charcoal lenses.
One traditional hand warmer is a small metal box containing charcoal which, when lit, burns very slowly and produces a mild heat.
No artifacts were found in the structure but one large pit contained charcoal and fragments of cremated human bone.
Mask filters containing only charcoal are ineffective, and effective filters are quickly saturated.
The floor of the building also contained charcoal from Scots Pine.