All of Thunderhorse's books, booklets, and scholarly studies contain his line drawings, maps, and charts.
The book contains graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Despite our local dialect devolution, these works contain useful charts regarding syntax and variable meaning.
The only trouble was with the chest containing the logs and charts, but it was eventually handed over the top, followed by Escobedo.
A 90-page handbook containing a glossary, pronunciations, maps, charts and guides is included in the fee.
The museum contains sections that contain pictures, charts, models and machines and science models.
The volume contains extensive notes and charts on tajwid, the rules for reading Qur'an, and a large index.
The map room contained wall-sized charts of the western Icelandic coast.
Contains charts of biggest money-making and money-losing movies.
This page contains printable checklists, diaries, charts, plans, and self-tests to help you keep track of your health.