Yet, East Jefferson contains clusters of preserved historic structures.
The set contains all the -dimensional subspaces that are known to contain clusters.
Archipelago, a term applying to any sea containing clusters of islands, or to the island groups themselves.
The species are all small shrubs characterised by flower-heads containing clusters of four or more flowers.
The inflorescence contains clusters of tiny bristly white flowers only a few millimeters wide.
The flowers die back in early summer to reveal a small cup shaped fruit containing clusters of small black seeds with unusual shapes.
"Dwarf galaxies closest to Virgo's crowded center contained more globular clusters than those farther away."
They contain clusters of refineries, chemical processing plants, and shipbuilding factories.
Goodman Point group, the largest and eastern most village, contains small and large clusters of pueblo buildings built partially underground.
As the temperature increases, these clusters start to contain smaller clusters themselves, in a typical Russian dolls picture.