In recent years, 12 other states have required insurance companies that provide prescription coverage to include birth control; nearly all contain exemptions for religious groups.
Republicans said the proposal contained so many exceptions and exemptions that the work requirements and time limits were not meaningful.
Many of these laws contain exemptions for religious bodies or even for the personal moral beliefs of some professionals like doctors.
The title contains other limitations and exemptions, including for research and reverse engineering in specified situations.
Most interior design practice statutes contain exemptions which allow individuals or businesses to continue practicing in areas not subject to regulation such as residential design.
The new campaign contribution rules contain several exemptions.
However, the laws contain different procedures and exemptions.
As a result, the proposal contains too many exceptions and exemptions.
The initiative contains exemptions allowing for the racial identification of "medical research subjects" and criminal suspects.
Plant breeders' rights contain exemptions from infringement that are not recognized under patent law.