His Guia Prático ran to 11 volumes, Solfejos (two volumes, 1942 and 1946) contained vocal exercises, and Canto Orfeônico (1940 and 1950) contained patriotic songs for schools and for civic occasions.
The county's investments were placed in high-profit, high-risk accounts that several analysts said might have been appropriate for private investors, but not for a portfolio that contained funds for schools, parks, roads and other municipal services.
It contains a model for schools to follow and statements relating to the present situation and enumerates specific aims and measures for the promotion of quality in various areas.
As expected, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo released his proposed state budget on Tuesday, and overall it contained good news for public education: a 4 percent across-the-state increase in aid for schools.
In colonial times, New England settlements contained dedicated public space for schools and churches, which often held a central role in the community.