These sausages sometimes contain nuts or garlic which give extra texture to an otherwise smooth paste.
Abronsius reach in and take out a box containing garlic.
Add to the bowl containing the shallots and garlic.
The chicken filling may be shredded or ground and the seasoning usually contains salt, pepper, and garlic.
The sauce contains corn syrup, fermented soy beans and garlic.
The mixture contains freeze-dried basil, garlic, corn starch and pecorino cheese.
It is a lot spicier than white pudding as it contains black pepper, cumin, basil and garlic.
On a more material level, the Eurosausage differs from the British banger in containing garlic but no bread.
Garlic doesn't freeze well, so don't keep any cooked dish containing garlic too long.
Often flavored with dill, hence the name, they may also contain garlic, Tabasco sauce, and red pepper.