It may also contain acacia, glycerin, castor oil and white petrolatum.
Look for a moisturizer that contains glycerin, shea butter, or safflower seed oil.
Look for moisturizers that contain ceramides, glycerin, or hyaluronic acid.
Look for a medicine that contains glycerin, which protects the sore, and peroxide, which fights bacteria.
Roskens Ultracare 3 Handcream is a light, protective cream containing glycerin for healthy skin.
The Dove lotions largely contain glycerin, an old-fashioned moisturizer that your grandmother might have used.
New varieties of Ivory soap contain glycerin, do not dry the skin as quickly, and do not float, either.
Try this overnight treatment: Before bed, smear your feet with a thick cream containing glycerin.
Certain brands (containing glycerin with polysorbates) may have a milky appearance.
She saved tin cans for the war effort, as well as bacon drippings, which contained glycerin, used in making explosives.