They appeared to contain military hardware.
With any luck, it would contain unconsigned hardware and tack, enough to stock his store until the goods he had ordered from Portland could arrive.
These devices contain improved hardware with a receiver and transmitter allowing two-way communication between the devices.
Cans of various sizes lined several shelves, some containing paint, some containing nails and assorted hardware.
It also contains hardware to assists in the debugging of software.
Exterior communications cabinets containing hardware outside of buildings.
Each digital organism contains virtual hardware on which its genome is executed.
Unlike a general-purpose system such as a home computer, usually a development board contains little or no hardware dedicated to a user interface.
It contains similar hardware as other 2011 Xperia phones in a smaller package.
Mainframe and minicomputers have traditionally been less vulnerable than personal computers because they contain sophisticated hardware and software memory protection features.