This story is usually short, simple, and interesting, and will contain multiple instances of the target structures used in context.
Some populations may contain instances of hybridization with Coyotes, known as coywolves.
Gödel reduced a formula containing instances of the equality predicate to ones without it in an extended language.
The album contains several instances of backmasking throughout.
And the prince was full of awe and terror: "Is this the only dead man," he asked, "or does the world contain other instances?"
Tabari's narrative of events contains numerous instances of commanders being rewarded for their service.
Some novels with first person narration contain instances of metareference when the narrator addresses the reader directly.
But the movie also contains instances from some of his other short stories which he claims as his own life experiences.
The application layer knowledge contains the instance or instances of the system.
Although the game contains several instances of nudity, none of Larry's sexual encounters are shown explicitly.