I already got a Purple Heart," says a weary Joe to a corpsman seated at a table containing medicine and medals.
Under the stone a bottle was placed containing coins, medals, and a copy of the Blackburn Standard.
Underneath was a box containing medals she'd never seen; her grandfather was a modest man and, it would seem, also a brave one.
The coin collection is one of the most important in Europe, containing some 260,000 coins, medals, medallions and decorations.
Inside the shallow monument there is an urn, which contains medals for each fallen Swedish pilot.
There is a dining hall and a room that contains Royal seals and medals.
It contains more than 300 trophies, medals, uniforms, scrapbooks, skis, boots, photos, films and other collectables that span some 70 years in the career of the Engen family.
After the hiker's visit, the students find an old wooden box, containing medals, gold coins and jewelry.
Apart from the dates of birth the lists also contained all honors and medals which the SS member had received in the First World War.
And there was a small wooden box lined with toilet paper and containing several medals.