(Amber older than 135 million years is very rare, and none that old has been found to have inclusions containing microbes.)
Food infection is when the food contains bacteria or other microbes which infect the body after it is eaten.
So, while groundwater may contain microbes, these microbes are not generally harmful.
High-level biosafety labs are graded on how well they can contain dangerous microbes.
In addition, there is always the possibility that naturally-derived materials may cause an immune response or contain microbes.
Their air did not contain the bacilli and germs and microbes of disease that fill our own air.
The major hazards will come from aerosols containing microbes that are breathed in by workers in biotechnology factories.
Soil can contain microbes, and the particles can make chlorination less effective.
The human skin contains microbes that reside either in or on the skin and can be residential or transient.
Studies suggest that these natural remedies, which contain beneficial microbes, may help prevent or treat some digestive problems.