The osteoclasts are multi-nucleated cells that contain numerous mitochondria and lysosomes.
It also contains mitochondria, which are self-contained tiny structures that use oxygen and nutrients to create energy for the cells.
They contain large and numerous mitochondria and with the high levels of myoglobin that gives them a red pigmentation.
However both lineages, C. velia and dinoflagellates, contain functioning mitochondria, the genes having moved to the nucleus.
Young meronts are bound by a single membrane, and contain large mitochondria and a few micronemes.
They also contain mitochondria to provide movement.
The first view assumes that sexual reproduction is a process specific to eukaryotes, organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and mitochondria.
They could see the nuclei, containing chromatin (which carries the cell's genes) and mitochondria, which provide a cell with its power.
Later on, some eukaryotes that already contained mitochondria also engulfed cyanobacterial-like organisms.