The outside walls of the church contain 200 painted sculptures of humans, angels, monkeys, fruit, corn, and birds of all different colors.
The African veldt contains antelope, monkeys, ostrichs, servals and zebras.
Stomach contents of B. filamentosum have been claimed to sometimes contain monkeys and it may even prey on humans.
Room F contained only crab-eating monkeys from the October shipment from Ferlite Farms in the Philippines.
It is part of the family of New World monkeys containing capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys, tamarins and marmosets.
The menagerie also contains monkeys and several species of deer.
It contains lambs, ostriches, camels, monkeys, zebras, bisons, ducks, goats, horses and buffalos.
Each mission containing monkeys has up to 100 monkeys available for capture.
It opened on 5 July and contained brown, black and polar bears, hyenas, leopards, pelicans, kangaroos, and monkeys.
Primates are a group of mammals that contains all lemurs, monkeys, and apes including humans.