While other concerts might have contained odd pockets of disappointment, this one was a five-star winner from beginning to end.
The forests contain stinging nettles, wild raspberry, many vines and pockets of ferns.
That was near the start of this latest migration to Harlem, which has always contained pockets of middle-class blacks.
Geologically, the island contains pockets of chert that are believed to have been quarried by Native Americans.
In addition to water, the rock beneath Tuat contains pockets of natural gas.
The old department store building in White Plains, which contains pockets of encapsulated asbestos, according to city officials, is to be razed.
The fabric changing surface contains pockets for convenient storage, zips off easily and is machine washable.
But the region is also deeply conservative, and contains pockets of fervent support for the President's impeachment.
The coastal area contains pockets of wetland and mangrove colonies.
There is less sapwood than heartwood, and the latter contains pockets of resin.