The texts contain reminiscences of indigenous Sasak culture.
Well, this parcel contained his memoirs - or reminiscences, or whatever you call the things.
Dreyer: My Metier contains reminiscences from those who knew him.
It contains reminiscences of many periods of his life.
It contains acknowledgments, academic essays, cartoons and reminiscences by 145 artists and writers.
F.W.D. Ries published an article containing reminiscences by Keynes of the original production and the later 1948 production.
A Tour in America, 1798-1800, containing reminiscences of Washington (2 vols., 1805)
It contained articles and reminiscences of his intimate friends and disciples.
The book contains also reminiscences of Kousbroek's youth in the Dutch East Indies, essays on related literature, and reviews.
Miscellaneous Poetry, 1841 (contains reminiscences of his life as a curate).