The Uk's 2010-11 vaccination contains protection against H1N1 strain (swine flu) as well as other strains expected to occur this year.
Technological and biological evaluation of tablets containing different strains of lactobacilli for vaginal administration.
The old, trivalent vaccine also contains strains against Types 2 and 3.
A single fermentation contains multiple strains of bacteria which specialise in the breakdown of different feedstocks.
The genus contains strains known to grow at or below 7˚C.
They all contained numerous strains of L. reuteri, which were subsequently isolated.
The only genus in this phylum is Fibrobacter that contains strains from the guts of many mammals including cattle and pigs.
It is a work of multicultural literary fiction and contains strains of magic realism.
However many others contain Spanish strains, along with gamefowl from other places including the Sumatra breed.
The vaccine is redeveloped each year to contain specific strains of inactivated (killed) flu virus that are recommended by public health officials for that year.