They were glued together by the charismatic personality of Osama bin Laden, which contained both strands, idealism and nihilism, in a potent mix.
Larger trees usually contain traditional strands of bulb lights while smaller tabletop trees have fiber optic branches.
While no one will mistake "Hot Seat" for a novel, it contains numerous narrative strands.
The South Australian Police Historical Society holds the bust, which contains strands of the man's hair.
Special bombs containing strands of carbon were used to short-circuit transformers without destroying them.
This protein was chosen because the beta barrel contains both parallel and antiparallel strands.
Of course Hamilton, Lincoln and Roosevelt were complicated individuals whose careers contained diverse and sometimes conflicting strands.
A black knit cap at the crime scene contained strands of African-American hair.
The novel contains several strands that appear to be linked, although a complete resolution of the plot is not immediately apparent.
The fascia contains strands of fibers, like cords, that run from the palm upward into the fingers.