At night, whatever your skin type, you should apply a moisturizer that doesn't contain sunscreen.
Many moisturizers contain sunscreen today, so you can accomplish two things at once.
Also, when you're applying moisturizer during the day, you should consider using a product that contains sunscreen.
There are also some combination products that contain both insect repellent and sunscreen.
Although some self-tanners contain sunscreen, its effect will not last as long as the tan.
Some brands of this medication also contain sunscreens (see also Notes section).
A 5% ecamsule containing sunscreen can prevent early changes leading to photoaging in humans.
To keep your skin protected, make sure your daytime moisturizer contains sunscreen.
Stay one step ahead by moisturizing frequently with an oil-based ointment that contains sunscreen.
Does the Final Rule apply to cosmetics and moisturizers containing sunscreen?