A few minutes later a waiter placed a complete tea service In front of them, but the teapot did not contain tea.
The package did not contain tea.
Hepatotoxicity associated with supplements containing Chinese green tea (Camellia sinensis).
Trystin shook his head and sat down beside the low table on which rested a tray containing tea and breads.
Lemon tea simply contains hot tea with lemon juice and sugar.
But it is also not at all certain that any product can claim bona fide health benefits just because it contains green tea.
Beyond the bridge lie acres of docks with vast stone warehouses that once contained imported tea, spices and wool.
The servant reentered the study carrying a tray of finger sandwiches and two pots, the one containing hot tea, the other strong Arabian coffee.
Food went up in sandbags, each containing enough bread, tea, sugar, tobacco and tinned-stuffs for four men.
Try to avoid taking it with foods containing dairy products, coffee, tea, or cereals.