He was so smitten with Baarová that he even contemplated marrying her.
And he had changed so com- pletely that now hecould even contemplate marrying a Jew.
He contemplated marrying her but eventually declined.
It had to be male, or the gross one would not even contemplate marrying a woman, even in a fantasy speculation.
I would very much like to know if you are contemplating marrying Giles, in spite of your apparent denial.
'How could you even contemplate marrying a woman like that?'
The affection remained strong until her death in 1863, but it does not appear probable that Amberley ever contemplated marrying her.
Alexios refused, claiming he was contemplating marrying the boy to one of his own daughters.
If he had, how could he ever contemplate marrying another woman?
How could Jake even contemplate marrying her?