Whether he ever contemplated replacing the monks by secular canons, we do not know.
Ironically, there were rumors rampant at the time in Washington that Abraham Lincoln was contemplating replacing George B. McClellan with none other than "Kearny the Magnificent".
(In real life Nixon was contemplating replacing Vice President Agnew, whom he saw as a liability, with John B. Connally Jr.) Guston's fantasy finally moves on to China.
At the time, there were rumors in Washington that President Abraham Lincoln was contemplating replacing George B. McClellan with "Kearny the Magnificent".
Greenback Republicans could console themselves that the bill did not contemplate replacing greenbacks with national bank notes.
Producers contemplated replacing him with John Gavin (though Batman star Adam West was also considered), as well as Michael Gambon, who rejected the offer telling Broccoli that he was "in terrible shape."
How, after all my two suitcases have been through, could I even contemplate replacing them?
Mr. Alamaro's plan contemplates replacing bottles of pills with blister packaging or something like a high-tech Pez dispenser.
Now it is daring to contemplate replacing two Democratic United States Senators and a Democratic Governor with Republicans.
Not long ago, Mr. Field contemplated replacing Keynote with a general arts magazine; then he discovered how expensive the undertaking would be, and gave up on the idea.