In a moment of dejection, he contemplated spending the money he had saved for her engagement ring.
However, the executive budget contemplates spending only $130 million for probation and correctional alternatives, compared with $3 billion for corrections.
The building's drawbacks would loom large once they contemplated spending the society's money on it.
She could hear the reluctance in his voice as he contemplated spending more time than he had to listening to Liriili.
Just as they are starting to contemplate spending the rest of their youth behind bars, they are given a glimmer of hope.
The savings and loan rescue legislation now contemplates spending $157 billion in the next decade to close or sell more than 500 insolvent savings institutions.
Today, he is contemplating spending the next few years of his life as an empowered Knickerbocker.
He admits contemplating spending his first few weeks of freedom some place cool and coastal, perhaps even Martha's Vineyard.
But we do tolerate hunger, poverty and impure water, and are prepared to contemplate spending our resources on weapons of mass destruction.
In ordinary circumstances the family contemplating spending a considerable amount of money would probably spend some time shopping around getting quotations.