The Federalists accused the Republicans of seeking disunion, even contemplating violence.
Burke saw that Bellini was contemplating further violence.
During a slow count of perhaps four heartbeats,Sorel smiled and nodded as always when he contemplated violence and did not want that contemplation to show.
It was, he thought with quiet amusement, a fine place in which to contemplate and plan violence.
From the perspectives of children and adults, the songs contemplate violence and death, then try to rise above them.
By offering her assurance and comfort, even though he contemplated violence, he expressed his love and concern for her.
She'd probably drive Lucien to contemplate violence again, once he found out what she was up to.
For a moment, he contemplated all the death and violence going on in his mind.
He was sober enough to remain civil during the introductions, drunk enough to contemplate violence when he learned she was leaving with me.
Tarrik looked as if he had been slapped and was now contemplating violence.