Highly likely, though how can we even contemplate war with a depleted military and hardware not considered fit for purpose?
If we'd had the courage to deal with President Hussein just a few months ago, we wouldn't now be contemplating war.
Can he really be contemplating civil war, or is this a ploy to push me into moving my legions east of the Drina?
Yes, in 1940, politicians of both parties ran for office promising peace while contemplating war.
"When contemplating war we must abandon euphemism and answer the question: does the cause justify sending young men out to kill other human beings?"
Are they really contemplating war with Iran?
As a result, we find ourselves today contemplating war over oil in the Middle East.
As for the great powers, I think it's clear that the array of nuclear weapons has made decision makers much less willing to contemplate war.
Ms. Albright doesn't even think we are contemplating war.
"He was asking all the questions you would want a president to ask as we were contemplating war," he said.