Maurice's is a Yiddische kopf, a large, brooding, circumspect and contemplative mind, darkened by both fatalism and faith.
Then he was awash in pleasure, and he turned off his contemplative mind.
From the respect paid to property flow, as from a poisoned fountain, most of the evils and vices which render this world such a dreary scene to the contemplative mind.
Its windows glowed red and then shifted to a sky blue, reportedly according to the moods of the great contemplative mind.
It represents a form of contemplative photography based on the Dharma Art teachings of Chögyam Trungpa, in which the eye is in synchronisation with the contemplative mind.
The artist variously describes his improvisational pieces as "music for the contemplative mind," "reflections in time" and "a jarring cross between New Age and traditional piano styles" (397-4435).
Moreover, his quest for originality, his contemplative mind, critical attitude and combined with his unparalleled painting skills all related and contributed to his unique painting style.
Such language serves absolutely the contemplative mind, absorbing the acuity of detail, the eloquent silence of its world.
A will to existence and aggrandizement, shorn of all psychology, a mind contemplative and infinitely, incidentally cruel.
Slight hesitations, smoothings of legato, the barest accentual nudge - all bear the mark of a contemplative mind that rejects complication as a lower order of intelligence.