As described by Stephen Hill, the predominant defining element of spacemusic is its contemplative nature.
The event helps explain the cathartic, contemplative nature of Findings.
But the two had things in common - athletics, contemplative natures and a passion for the music and literature of the 1960's.
But the contemplative nature of the piece should be apparent to all.
Neassa was of a passive rather than a contemplative nature, but she had several things on her mind this morning.
S. Wajed Ali was a soft-spoken person with a reserved and contemplative nature.
That the fisherman plies his craft on the surface of such a thing probably accounts for his contemplative nature.
Mr. Middleton, who developed his contemplative nature while training to be a monk more than three decades ago, has plenty to ponder.
Of a quiet contemplative nature, Grillparzer shunned general society.
The priory at Clare reflected the contemplative nature of the friars.