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It comments on the unknowable with a contemplative tone.
All of it delivered in a morose, contemplative tone that made it sound reasonable.
Jarmusch's early work is marked by a brooding, contemplative tone, featuring extended silent scenes and prolonged still shots.
"Sycamores," said Martin, in the contemplative tone of a young naturalist in an arboriculture program.
Generally at the end of the campaign, he said, candidates stop attacking each other and adopt a warm, contemplative tone.
After a pause she added in a neutral, contemplative tone, The doctor says it's unknown for anyone who had it get into their brain to -survive.
"I should be very kind," said Miranda in a gently contemplative tone.
A little pucker appeared between her eyebrows as she added in a contemplative tone, "So he wasn't lying."
Lisa's quiet, contemplative tone became more urgent as she talked to the jurors about Derringer's alibi.
Without losing the contemplative tone of traditional Malian songs, the music headed for the dance floor and stayed there.