This is a fascinating work that promotes the colony at Newfoundland over against the vices of contemporary England.
By the eighteenth century, access to Scottish universities was probably more open than in contemporary England, Germany or France.
Roe deer are still found within woodlands named "Warren" in contemporary England.
It's a celebration of their creativity, as complete a statement as has been made anywhere about contemporary England.
"Appleby and the Ospreys" is also set in contemporary England - and there the resemblance ends.
The book is set in contemporary England, one of the most depressing and pathetic places on the face of the earth.
A novel which, though set in contemporary England, takes its structure very loosely from The Magic Flute.
It contains elegies, fables and a discussion of the role of poetry in contemporary England.
Access to Scottish universities was probably more open than in contemporary England, Germany or France.
A theme of her novels is the correlation between contemporary England's society and its individual members.