Various family life-styles exist side by side in contemporary Japan.
This concept further emphasizes the growing familial connection between pets and their owners in contemporary Japan.
He is one of the most popular celebrities with the general public in contemporary Japan.
The default setting is contemporary Japan, but other various settings are available for play.
In contemporary Japan, couples are having fewer children, and teaching the children self-reliance.
Toward the end, distant laughter from young men represented the bustling, nonmeditative energy of contemporary Japan.
Many of his plays were based on Japanese folk tales, but he also created works set in contemporary Japan that deal with social questions.
The function of districts has changed over time, but they continue to exist in contemporary Japan.
Although contemporary Japan is a newly rich country, its citizens do not enjoy a rich standard of living.
Doing so would be easier if there were clear guidance from scientists and politicians, but here, too, contemporary Japan seems particularly vulnerable.