(A very similar evolutionary typology is still employed today, as we shall see, by one school of contemporary American anthropologists.)
No contemporary anthropologist, social or other, would want to argue that people of different culture must on that account be automatically ranked in a hierarchy superior/inferior.
Within his more extensive works, as well as many articles, reviews, and essays, Baker has often used both contemporary and past anthropologists' work as the subject of his research.
The work continues to receive attention from contemporary anthropologists.
One contemporary anthropologist has suggested that Paul and his followers adopted this ritual to repel traditionally minded Jews and so to set themselves apart from Jewish communities.
Sir Olaf Caroe (1958), The Pathans Two recent articles summarizing the rejection of this theory by contemporary anthropologists are:
Arjun Appadurai (born 1949) is a contemporary social-cultural anthropologist.
Most contemporary anthropologists, as well as anarcho-primitivists agree that, for the longest period before recorded history, human society was without established authority or formal political institutions.
Emiliana Cruz is a contemporary linguistic anthropologist.
Nevertheless, many contemporary socio-cultural anthropologists have rejected earlier models of ethnography as treating local cultures as bounded and isolated.