Founded in 1910, the museum collects original and contemporary applications of traditional heritage.
But mostly it's that the Finder suffers so much in comparison to its contemporary applications.
Horan seems to have focused his research on the contemporary application of medieval Franciscan thinkers.
Clearly, it can be said that the two men disagreed on the topic of contemporary application of the art.
Lewis observes in contemporary application of the law, presidents are the subject of satire and denunciation.
Lest the contemporary application of this moral be lost upon its audience, the characters are dressed in 18th-century attire.
The behavior of a specification can be the much same as a contemporary application.
"The story has a contemporary application to reality," Ms. Papada went on.
If human beings become disenchanted with contemporary applications of justice, Camus suggests that they rebel.
Cross-cultural psychology: Critical thinking and contemporary applications (3rd ed.)