It seems time for contemporary biographers to treat Harlow with the complexity she deserves, but two recent books simply turn her image inside out.
His stylistic choices did not go unnoticed by more puritanical contemporary biographers like Baldinucci.
Her contemporary biographers say that her parents had grown old without having children, before praying to Saint Nicholas for help in having a child.
A contemporary biographer has said of him: "Those who really knew Mr. Congdon found in him a man of tender heart and warm, human sympathies.
No more mention is made of Ingelmarius by Roger's contemporary biographer Geoffrey Malaterra.
Another contemporary biographer who interviewed Haydn was Albert Christoph Dies (1810).
The contemporary biographer of Rienzi says nothing of this harangue.
Palladius, Chrysostom's contemporary biographer, also recorded his claim that among the Jews the priesthood may be purchased and sold for money.
It was hinted in the press that he died of alcoholism, an estimation that is now accepted by contemporary biographers.