Unlike contemporary choreography, 19th-century Romantic ballet depends upon a delicate balance of mime and classical dancing.
The company had a rich blend of classical and contemporary choreography.
Sexually suggestive dancing, he said, is seen frequently on TV and is part of contemporary choreography.
The fine score by Dave Douglas complements the choreography, too contemporary to turn to a literal interpretation of swing music.
The program of the Gala ranges from the well-known ballet classics to cutting-edge contemporary choreography.
In the Soviet Union this distinction is not drawn as clearly, perhaps because different attitudes toward contemporary choreography exist in the two countries.
The result is a sampler of contemporary European ballet choreography.
It remains a masterpiece of contemporary choreography, and it received a competent performance.
For his bandmates, though, contemporary choreography began and ended in the mosh pit.
The troupe explains what contemporary choreography is all about, then takes the lesson further by inviting the audience members to join in.